It’s her season—Halloween! My cat, Inky, would be in her glory. What a great time to share a story from her younger days that may inspire you as it continues to inspire me.
Solid black with a touch of white on her chest, Inky had an odd morning routine that fascinated me. Daily, she would perch on top of a fish bowl that we’d covered and taped to ward off her wandering paws. Once she’d steadied herself, she would slowly bend over the side of the container to look at the fish—upside down. She would stare intently, focus, and then jab at the shadow of the fish.
The fish would dart. Inky would jab. Inky would pause, refocus, and then lunge again. The boxing match would continue until she scampered off to play with her favorite straw or a bottle cap—or her tail.
Every day, Inky would try to catch that fish; and every day, she would fail. I could interpret this activity as one that shows a lack of intellect, since she didn’t seem to learn that she could not get the fish.
But I’m choosing to see it as her preparatory ritual, a morning routine that equipped her for the day.
I’m like Inky. I like routines. Why?

Routines keep me going, prompting me to keep moving even when I’d rather not.
My favorites are my morning coffee, my daily readings and journaling, and chatting with my sister.
Inky’s daily ritual inspires me. Regardless of the previous day’s setbacks or failures, she lets her perching-pondering routine prepare her to meet her day with enthusiasm.
Most of us have routines, whether we realize it or not. We choose how to begin our day.
How about you? What routine equips you to begin your day with enthusiasm?
And in case you need a new one—guess what is now available:
Morning Fuel, Daily Inspirations to Stretch Your Mind Before Starting Your Day
And for you savvy readers who are already reading Morning Fuel, this Thoughtful Thursday may be familiar. As I’ve learned through the years, classic stories like this one are always worth repeating.
Thanks for your support and encouragement on this journey to publication! I couldn’t have done it without you.
And on we go. . .
My best – usually,
Becky (Nana B)
P.S. So much fun at The Ivy Bookshop coffee last Saturday! Stay tuned for a photo update next week. P.P.S. Fabulous launch day for Morning Fuel on Tuesday. Did you get your copy? I’d love to see a pic.
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