Yes, I’m still here and slowly re-engaging with post-pandemic life. I’ve made it through a few more bumps—my power wheelchair, accessible van, and central air conditioning all stopped working within days of each other. Thankfully, all have been repaired AND I’ve fully recovered from another urinary procedure with NO sepsis this time—so grateful and relieved!
Life is good—measured, but good!
So what’s next?
It’s time to follow my own advice from my first book and rethink what’s possible during the rest of this meanwhile period. Yep, it’s time to write another book. I wasn’t sure I had one in me, but I’m going to give it a shot.
The topic: Staying On the Upside or On We Go (Your thoughts?)
The format: A daybook of 365 lively stories and quotes that inspire, encourage, comfort, or make you think.
The timeframe: Two and a half months of intense writing before I come up for air on September 2 to give you an update.
And the most important question, once again, is:

Who is in my boat?
Although I have professionals guiding me, I hope you will join me, too. Many of you have been with me on my writing life journey for over 20 years. I am deeply grateful, but also tremendously respectful of your opinions and thoughts.
How can you help?
First of all, writing can be a lonely endeavor so I welcome all forms of encouragement and support!
Secondly, if you have a favorite story I’ve written, please let me know. I may include it. You’ll find my Thoughtful Thursday archives HERE or you can use the search bar at the top of my website to “google” a word or key phrase. All my writings from the Baltimore Sun, Huntington WV’s Herald Dispatch, and our local Towson Times are on the site, too, as well as all my autism escapades with Madison.
I’ll be writing new stories, but would love to include your favorites.

What you think matters a great deal to me.
So stay safe, healthy, and please keep in touch. Have a great summer!
And on we go!
My best – always,
Becky (Nana B)
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