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A Dose of My Own Medicine

A Dose of My Own Medicine

It’s time to take a dose of my own medicine and “Rethink Possible” for my summer Thoughtful Thursday column. As promised to you two years ago, I’ve tried to deliver a thought each week that has inspired me. Over the summer, I will still keep my promise but it will be a shorter thought. Maybe only a quote or photo. In the P.S. section, I’ll share the review updates and other book news, but may deliver any special news as it happens. I’ve done a few interviews but have no idea when they will become public, so stay tuned!

Anyway, here’s what inspired me this week:


I needed this reminder as we continue to finalize Madison’s residential placement. Once again, we are encountering obstacles, but no epic fail this time. I do think we have learned from each obstacle we’ve encountered and can use our knowledge to step all the way through this next stage of the process. I’m hoping by the end of this month I can report that my Madison has successfully transitioned into a new home. Meanwhile, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Here are pictures from my last visit with her. She is doing great!

So, how about you? What are you “rethinking possible” about this summer? Any obstacles you are turning into stepping stones? Tell me about it. I’d love to know.

My best – always,

Becky  (Nana B)

P.S. Book update: 23 Amazon reviews! We’re over halfway there. July 13 is my target date for 40 reviews. Thanks to all who have posted. There’s no finer way to show support to an author, I’m learning, than to post an honest review.

In the news: Feel free to share or comment.
A Review by Writer Site “Gobsmacked.” “A movie?” Wow.
An Interview with the Next Act for Women
Lisa Manterfield’s fave reviews so far this year.
More comments here.

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