Search Results for: stay strong

Summer Snippets: Family Matters and Doors

Summer Snippets: Family Matters and Doors

What a week! Sister Rachel came in town and we had a chance to visit Madison, my adult daughter with autism. As most of you know, I survived my “epic fail” earlier in the year, and am in the final stages of finding a new residential placement for her. She is doing so well! She loved seeing her Aunt Rachel and sharing a meal with us—pizza, of course!

Then, it was off to my second book signing. My, what fun we had! So many folks came by to buy, chat, and get to know one another a little bit better. (And, a special welcome to those who have now joined our Thoughtful Thursday family!)

So what inspired me this week to stay positive? As promised, it’s a short and sweet reflection for the summer months:

As my father used to say, “That’ll preach!”

How many times have I learned this lesson?! With finding a publisher, securing Madison’s placement, and even locating appropriate venues for book signings, doors have been shut hard, sometimes right in my face.

Maybe I should have skipped the drama and simply accepted it wasn’t my door.

Whether with our families, our work, or our future plans, sometimes we have to stop banging on the closed one and find one that will open.

I still can’t believe my book is on another bookstore shelf. At the Greetings and Readings book signing, it was under “Local Interest.” Rumor has it that it may be moved to, “Inspiration.”

Thanks for making helping me make it through this opened door, Sissy!

How about you? Any closed doors prompting you to search for a new one? Tell me about it. I’d love to know.

My best – always,

Becky  (Nana B)

P. S. In the news: Feel free to share or comment!
Baltimore Fishbowl “. . . truly a memoir of resilience.”
A Review by Writer Site “Gobsmacked.” “A movie?” Wow.
An Interview with the Next Act for Women
Lisa Manterfield’s fave reviews so far this year.

Book update: 28 Amazon reviews! We’re over halfway to my goal of 40 reviews. Thanks to all who have posted. There’s no finer way to show support to an author, I’m learning, than to post an honest review.

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