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Do We Need to Get Serious About Our Play?

Do We Need to Get Serious About Our Play?

Summer is just around the corner! I’ll still share a thought each Thursday at 7 a.m., but sometimes it will be a quick “summer snippet,” like today’s column. This week’s inspiration comes from happiness expert Gretchen Rubin:

Be serious about play. Although having fun sounds simple it isn’t. Think about how to shape your time to get the most enjoyment from it.


Although my #EasilyPleased staycation holiday wasn’t highly structured or scheduled, I asked each family member to email me ideas for games and activities. I wanted to have lots of options to choose from once we were all together.

I guess we “got serious” about our play.

My niece, Ashley, tallied the list for us and presented each idea.

A robust discussion followed and soon we had our agenda—for the moment. We kept “discussing” options and making mini-plans all weekend long.

And it worked! Our vacation was a success AND we created three new traditions, sure to be on the list for our next family gathering.

How about you? Do you plan ahead for fun during your vacations? Tell me about it. I’d love to know.

My best – always,

Becky  (Nana B)

P.S. My sister, Rachel, was the surprise “book character” at my most recent book talk. Thanks to the kind folks from Central Presbyterian’s Women on Wednesday group for inviting me back! Such a special family time to include Dad’s book, too. Thanks Ashley (in blue) for your help.

P.P.S. What?! My book became an Amazon #1 bestseller this week! Thank heavens I took a screenshot because the next day it dropped out of first place. But it was there! I simply can’t believe it. And, the National Indie Excellence Award announcement came in, too. So honored to be recognized in both the Inspiration and New Non-Fiction categories. Thanks again for all your encouragement and support. This would not be happening without you! I’m so grateful.