This week’s inspiration is timely for me as I’m preparing for some special visitors! Over a period of eight days, twelve loved ones (ten adults and two children) from four different states will join me for our second annual staycation celebration, renamed our FamBam Weekend.
I came across a phrase that was new to me and quite helpful. I’m not sure where I heard it first, but I know I’ve heard it more than once:

Structure gives freedom.
Isn’t that the truth?
Once we have a structure in place, an idea of how we want things to flow, then we have the freedom within that structure to experiment. Knowing a few anchor points of what’s next takes some of the angst out of the process.
Granted, I do LOVE possibilities. (Maybe Rethinking Possible should be my middle name?) I must admit, though, too many possibilities can be exhausting.
Structure helps.
So this year, we have a daily agenda with a few anchors in place: meal menus, dinner reservations, and a long list of favorite games and activities. More importantly, there are plenty of LID (Let It Develop) chunks of time, when nothing is planned but free time.
Structured free time. Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it?
Well, we’re going to give it a try. I’ll let you know how it goes!
How about you? How do you structure your family vacations? Or do you? Tell me about it. I’d love to know.
My best – always,
Becky (Nana B)
P.S. Our mantra and hashtag from last year’s FamBam was #EasilyPleased. Wonder what we should use this year? Any suggestions?

FamBam I
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