I’ll admit it. I’m exhausted. Although our FamBam2 staycation vacation with twelve loved ones in my home during the last eight days was a great success, I am bone-tired. Even my paralyzed parts ache. (Yes, that is possible!)
Recovery-mode is my pace, but I love it! I wouldn’t have it any other way. Every slow moment of recovery is filled with great memories, joy, and an inspirational thought from my son, Peter, who offered this observation:

Family and friendships are a matter of effort, not of proximity.
There was a LOT of effort to make this weekend happen with staggered arrivals and departures from Arkansas, Wisconsin, Georgia, and New Jersey; restaurant and event reservations; daily agendas; and preplanned menus complete with favorite and signature dishes.
But the activity that required the most effort and coordination was a special visit from Madison, my adult daughter with autism.
As most of you know, for the last six years, Madison has struggled with severe self-injurious behaviors. After three hospitalizations and intensive behavioral therapies and medication adjustments, she has stabilized, thankfully, and is now flourishing in a new residential and day program.
So for the first time in years, she was able to see some of her extended family in my home.

Madison with Brittany and Peter.

Madison with FamBam2 extended family.
Of course we had pizza, and plenty of breadsticks, per her surprise request during my last visit.
I’m beyond grateful for her two caregivers who helped make this special visit possible and for all the family’s efforts to get to my home in time to share a meal with Madison.
Thank you all!
That’s it for now. Back to recovery mode for me. There will be more vacation inspirations later, I promise.
How about you? Have you ever been exhaustedly joyful? After a vacation? A wedding? A special reunion? Tell me about it—especially how you recovered! I’d love to know.
My best – always,
Becky (Nana B)
P.S. We’ve had quite a few new subscribers join us this week. Welcome! There’s more about Madison below. Our Pathfinders for Autism golf event was rescheduled for July 15 due to weather so there’s still time to honor her and be a part of her banner. I’ll resume working on your thank you notes soon, hopefully all right-side up this time!
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