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Restoring Enthusiasm

Restoring Enthusiasm

It’s been a tricky week, complete with my paralyzed parts still misbehaving and a new health setback that kept me in bed most of the last seven days. Yet, life kept moving, including a wonderful new opportunity for my Madison (stay tuned for future updates) and a very special birthday celebration.

Blakely Faye turned one!

Blakely turning one

Although we live twelve hours away from each other, FaceTime and Snapchat connected us and I felt like I was almost there as we celebrated this special day with a special cake.

Blakely's cake from Nana B

Even though every part of me was functioning below par this week, celebrating with my granddaughter gave me an unexpected adrenaline charge.

Once again, poet Mark Nepo found just the right words to sum up my feelings:

“We are each faced with the endless and repeatable task of discovering, or uncovering, our enthusiasm. . . ” The Book of Awakening

Yes! No matter what life throws at us, it’s up to us to find that enthusiasm.

Then I got another boost when my son-in-law reminded me what I’d written to bookmark this important day. If you want the play-by-play of what it’s like to watch your child prepare to give birth to your first grandchild, check it out here.

Thank you, Blakely Faye, for helping plow through a challenging week. Your zest for life is contagious!

How about you? What have you discovered this week that restored your enthusiasm? Tell me about it. I’d love to know.

My best–always,

Becky  (Nana B)

P.S. What a year!

1st year photo composite of Blakely

P.S.S. Thanks to those who want to keep updated on my upcoming book. Hope to give you some inside scoop soon!

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