Search Results for: stay strong

The Power of Being Heard

The Power of Being Heard

What an interesting week! More about that in future posts, but for now, guess who helped me stay inspired this week?

YOU did.

Sometimes in the writing world you need to feel like you’ve been heard. Writing can be a lonely pursuit, especially when forces beyond your control prevent you from engaging in routines that balance out the solitude.

Your responses to last week’s piece on letting go of “why” truly lifted my spirits. I was especially touched when one of my childhood friends (from kindergarten!) forwarded it along to his friends, introduced me, and noted this phrase:

Perhaps our best mode of living is to trust that blooms are ahead—no matter what—and let the unseen forces do their work while we do ours.

Thank you for responding and for connecting me with your friends, Danny. You made my day!

Another special thanks to those who in person or by phone were there for me as I sorted through some health concerns. As Mark Nepo describes in his meditation, Moments, Not Words, you “listened like a lake.”

Your serenity shored up mine, and I am grateful.

So this week, I’d love to know, what shores up your serenity? Tell me just one thing.

I hope you have a great week.

My best – always,

Becky  (Neehah! Note the new name!)

P.S. Thanks for your prayers for my continued health—and serenity! And for my Madison, who continues to enjoy her new day and residential programs!

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