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The Lesson from a Hard Goodbye

The Lesson from a Hard Goodbye

This week’s inspiration comes from my cousin, Robin, who flew in from South Carolina to stay with me for a few days. Although we Snapchat, FaceTime, and text regularly, we needed an in-person visit to really catch up.

Robin’s mom was my one-of-a-kind-but-everyone-needs-one Aunt Pearl.

She was my mom’s younger sister and together, they were two of the strongest women I’ve ever known. They lost their father at a young age, spent their childhood in an orphanage, and each lost a child.

Yet, they both delighted in life, planting love and laughter wherever they went.

Robin and I played hard during her visit. We shopped, dined out, and shared more than a few family stories over a glass or two of wine.

But we also worked hard. Mother Nature’s stealth “home invasion” as first reported here, has become a full-blown basement remodeling project. I needed more than empty shelves ; I needed to clean it up and move it out.

So we did!

Predictably, it was hard to say goodbye when it was time for my cousin to leave. But the quote she sent once she arrived back home gave me an unexpected perspective, prompting both a smile and a few tears.

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Winnie the Pooh

A knot swelled in my throat as I considered that thought. Yes, I am lucky it was hard to say goodbye. Lucky and grateful for my cousin, for who she is to me, and for how she showed her love for me.

I guess summer invites hard goodbyes. We carve out special time for special people, creating memories that may last a lifetime.

And if we’re lucky, it will be hard to say goodbye.

How about you? Have you been lucky enough to have any hard goodbyes this summer? Tell me about it. I’d love to know.

My best – always,

Becky  (Nana B)

P.S. Fence story update: Tripp and I are pleased to report the fence in front of my driveway has been painted. Hurray! Ever onward.

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