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The Remedy for the Wrinkled Soul

This week’s inspiration comes from Alisa, my friend and fellow board member at Pathfinders For Autism. We are in the home stretch of planning the sixth biennial Evening of Celebrity Fashion & Fun, and our committee was in need of some encouragement.

Although sponsorships and ticket sales are progressing as planned, we needed to step up our efforts, especially for our Mystery Bag donations. Alisa led the charge with an upbeat email that encouraged, informed, and gave me a good chuckle.

Her opening salutation set the mood:

Hey there funky fresh fashionistas!

Then came her gentle ask:

We have had a great start getting items donated, but you know what they say… more is more!

Her light-hearted urgency:

It’s not a mystery how to make this Mystery Bag thing a success. We need lots of great stuff and we need it NOW. Ok, well, by October 15th.

And, finally, her earnest reminder of why we care:

Thanks in advance. In all seriousness, I know it’s often awkward to ask our friends, family, and community for free stuff, but it’s important to remember that we’re not asking for stuff for ourselves, it’s for a worthy cause. The rate of children on the autism spectrum in Maryland jumped to one in 50 in the latest report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the disorder’s prevalence. It was one in 55 two years ago. Those are a lot of people in our community who need our help.

Wow. Message delivered.

And received! Her gentle nudge, laced with humor and heart, was just what I needed. I felt energized, focused, and ready to reach out with renewed vigor.

“You are the Christmas music to the holiday season,” I replied to her.

The shift in my mindset reminded me of the importance of enthusiasm.

“Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.” –Samuel Ullman

Who wants wrinkled anything? Especially one’s soul!

So thanks, Alisa, for plumping up my enthusiasm. Let’s go!

How about you? What keeps you enthused when you need to step up your game? Tell me about it. I’d love to know.

My best – always,

Becky  (Nana B)

P.S. Thoughts and prayers to my North and South Carolina friends and family. Stay safe.

P.P.S. For those interested, below is more info if you’d like to sponsor, attend, or donate goods or services to our event. I’d love to see you there or win an item from you!


P.P.P.S. Come see me! September 29 and October 3 Book Talks. September 30 Run Wild for Autism. Details and more events here:


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