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The Question That Baffled Me

The Question That Baffled Me

First of all, a small apology. Today’s thought is going to be “half-baked.” It’s been a week like no other with incredible highs—first ever Resilience workshop (thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers!) and lows—first ever damage to my wheelchair that made it unsafe to use it (and yes that happened 24 hours prior to my presentation!).

Both are stories for another time, but I still have a thought I’d like to share today.

It was an unexpected question. The executive was being interviewed about his company’s extraordinary success. Seemingly stunned by the sustained double-digit growth over the last ten years, the commentator paused, looked at the young exec, and asked, “How future-proofed is your company?”

I’m not sure of the exact response—something about being prepared, with business plans in multiple areas, positioned for growth.

But, I’ll never forget the question.

How can you future-proof anything?

Your company? Your life? And if you can, may I please buy a bottle of it?

Seriously. What does that mean, anyway?

Our “water-proofed” boots don’t let water in. Our “child-proofed” locks don’t let our children into areas we think they shouldn’t be. We try to protect, to limit contact with harmful or dangerous things.

Is that how we should look at the future? Something that is harmful or dangerous?

Granted, there are many scary things in the future. I’ve never appreciated the mobility my wheelchair provided (or realized my extreme reliance on it!) until I lost it this week. But should I focus on how to “protect” me from it? More importantly, is that how I want to look at the future? Something to be “protected” from?

What a negative way to look at an inevitable experience!

The truth is, the future is going to come, whether we like it or not.

Instead of fearing it, perhaps we should consider this company’s approach and focus on being prepared for it.

At least I had a backup wheelchair I can use for the moment. And, of course, I’ve got my best people “in the boat” with me to problem-solve through it. I’m confident we will find a solution.

Maybe we should strive to welcome the future instead of trying to be future-proofed from it.

How about you? How do you look at the future? Is it something to be guarded against or prepared for? Tell me about it. I’d love to know.

And thanks for indulging me with my “half-baked” thought this week!

My best – always,

Becky  (Nana B)

P.S. By special request, my revised “Seven Strategies for Staying Up For When Life Is Pulling You Down” is now a two-pager! Although it is usually a promotional offering I give with each new subscription, you, as part of my subscriber community, can access it HERE and download it. Feel free to use and share!

P.P.S. So honored to be named a “Phi Mu History Maker” in recognition of the historic alliance Phi Mu has with the National Women’s History Museum! More info HERE if you’d like to read more about it. I’m so grateful!

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