Search Results for: stay strong

Taking My Own Advice

Taking My Own Advice

I tried. I really tried. But after two 12-hour trips, four nights away from home, and an average of five hours of sleep per night, I failed to “budget” my energy and have none left to give to you today. My power wheelchair indicator is right:

When your battery is low, you are at risk for error.

I’ve already wondered:

Did I remember to use shampoo when I washed my hair this morning? Did I throw in two Tide pods instead of one when I did the laundry? I may have even fed the dog twice, although I’m sure he wouldn’t have minded.

So, I’m taking my own advice and I’m going to recharge myself today. But first, I have to ask myself the question we explored last week, the one I learned from my mom:

Was the effort worth the energy expenditure?

I think this photo says it all:


Congratulations, Maggie and Adam! Your Aunt B loved every minute of my time with you and our growing family. When I’m fully charged, I’ll have some tall tales to share.

In the meantime, I’m grateful to all who helped me make the trek to your wedding—our incredible Fam Bam, the ever-ready-to-assist Birthday Club, old friends, new friends and my extraordinary Sissy who welcomed me non-stop, making me feel right at home.

Now to steal granddaughter Blakely Faye’s idea…

And take a nap.

My best – usually,

Becky  (Nana B)

P.S. Many thanks to the good folks at Numotion for their diligence in getting my power wheelchair back in action just in time for the trip.

P.P.S. Thanks, as always, for your thoughts, prayers, and encouraging responses over the last few weeks. I would not have made it through without you!

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