Last week, I asked for your help. February can be a tender month for me, filled with memories of both loss and love. But this year, I wanted to focus on love, the “strings between our hearts” that connect us. I asked you to share how Morning Fuel has connected you to others.
And you did!
Here are a few of the responses:
It warms my heart to think this book could be helpful to others and strengthen those “strings between our hearts.” Thank you! Please keep them coming. I’ll include more responses next week.
And on we go. . .
My best – always,
Becky (Nana B)
P.S. BIG NEWS! Pathfinders for Autism is celebrating 25 years of service! As a founding board member, I’m honored to be part of this amazing organization. More about our bold plans next week, but you can check out our celebratory website here:
P.P.S. AMAZON REVIEW UPDATE: Thank you for the power boost! Morning Fuel has 18 reviews toward my first goal of 25! Here’s a quick link. Thank you so much. It would mean a lot to me and for Pathfinders.
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