This week’s inspiration comes from an email I received from Dan Blank, a coaching consultant for authors and other creatives who Brené Brown once called an author “midwife.” (Descriptive, right?) His email invitation to a new program offering included this quote that has stuck with me:

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn, author & entrepreneur
Wow. That one made me think!
Who DO I spend the most time with? More importantly, does my dog count?
Seriously, as I considered five people, I thought about our interactions. What parts of their personalities and approaches to life have influenced me?
Have their strengths become mine?
Then I wondered, is the physical presence of another individual required? What about long-distance relationships? Or others we don’t know personally, but study their work? Or even the storied memories of those we’ve loved and lost?
I’m sure if I researched it a bit more I would find that Mr. Rohn has his own criteria. But, simply stopping to consider the idea of a “top five” has tremendous merit.
Sometimes it’s enlightening to stop the routines, step back, and take a moment to observe:
- Where do we spend our time?
- Who is with us, physically and otherwise?
- How does that influence who we are?
In the last week, one of my top five showed me how to be patient and loving during another’s struggle with the complications of aging and memory loss. Another showed me how to be generous by not responding to sharp criticism. And another demonstrated an extraordinary sensitivity to an awkward situation, choosing to handle it with grace and a smile.
Patient, loving, generous, sensitive, grace and a smile—I hope those attributes are instilled in me.
Indeed, our relationship orbits become our influencer orbits. What a great reminder to be thoughtful about the company we keep!
How about you? How have your top five influenced you this week? Tell me about it; I’d love to know.
My best – always,
Becky (Nana B)
P.S. Happy Father’s Day! Yes, my father was and is one of my all-time top five. So grateful for you, Dad, and all that you taught me.
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