Pathfinders for Autism: Twenty-five years and counting–who we are and why

Pathfinders for Autism: Twenty years and counting--who we are and why

For me, it began with one yellow flyer.

Like many children with autism, my daughter, Madison, had limited communication skills. At age five, she did not speak. My job as her mom was to be the master interpreter of her gestures, cries, tantrums and moods.

It was exhausting.

But in the spring of 1997, a few weeks after my paralysis, Madison brought home a yellow scrunched-up flyer in her Barney backpack inviting me to the home of Polly and B. J. Surhoff. They wanted to share information about a new autism therapy that was helping their son Mason, one of Madison’s classmates.

At the Surhoff meeting, we learned about a new therapy and tried it with Madison. Unbelievably, she responded and started to speak, mastering her name, address, phone number, colors, and shapes within weeks.

I wasn’t the only parent to have these happenstance stories. A small group of us began to meet regularly. We wanted to help each other learn all the useful things we had discovered for ourselves. I thought about what mattered in the frustrating search for help and information. What was it that we needed to be good parents?

One night, seated at my kitchen table, I took three coffee cans and traced their circles. I named each one—Resources, Referrals, and Research—and intersected them, then wrote “Pathfinders” in the middle. That theme and coffee-can creation became the beginning of our first logo and the start of our parent-crafted tagline: “Our mission is to find a path for our children.”

Within three years, in February 2000, our small group founded Pathfinders for Autism, a nonprofit directed at improving the lives of individuals with autism and their families that now regularly serves more than 20,000 individuals each year. Our offerings include:

  • Safety Programs – First Responders Training, Law Enforcement, Water Safety.
  • Recreation Activities – Family outings designed for the autism community.
  • Autism Resource Center – A hub where anyone can access valuable information online or over the phone.
  • Training/Education – Healthcare professionals, Parent/Caregiver workshops on topics including financial planning, behavior intervention, sensory processing.

I am honored to be a part of this dedicated and passionate organization with decades of experience who work to enrich the lives of individuals with autism and their families throughout the lifespan.

Twenty-five years ago. Today. And for the next twenty-five years to come.

I hope you’ll join me in supporting Pathfinders for Autism. Click or scan below to donate.

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