Current Columns

The Madison Mindset

The Madison Mindset

Today’s inspiration comes from one of my own, my daughter Madison who celebrated a big birthday this week. As many of you know, Madison was diagnosed with autism at an early age. Despite early interventions and intense ongoing therapies, she still cannot read, write, or ever be left alone. She’s been through many rough patches […]

The Gift of the Present

The Gift of the Present

Today’s inspiration comes from a quote I cherish, especially when life’s twists and turns threaten my forward momentum: Indeed, awareness helps. Whether we are happy, sad, fearful or angry, awareness grounds us in the present and gives us the chance to reorient ourselves with a fresh look at reality. Honesty fuels awareness, I’ve discovered. In […]

Rethinking Resilience

Rethinking Resilience

Today’s inspiration comes from an email that a good friend forwarded to me entitled, “The Messy, Beautiful Truth About Resilience.” The article focused on a question asked to Duke students from clinical psychologist and best-selling author, Dr. Becky Kennedy: It’s a question that I’d never considered. Although I’ve had quite a few challenges in life—sibling […]